Bharat Heritage

BHS is dedicated to promote Indian Culture and Heritage worldwide from Scientific and Holistic Point of view. Its approach is easy to understand in simple manner. BHS and its team try to follow the principle, philosophy it talk about in its work and day to day life. BHS is working in the field of Integrated Holistic Healthcare of Traditional Yoga, Ayurveda, Reiki and Acupressure etc.

Past Life Regression Program : PLRP

As per Hindu philosophy of Past life which is very scientific also our soul never dies and it can only be liberated or keep moving in this cycle of death and birth. It is very scientific and works as per the 3rd law of Newton that every action has a reaction. So if you have done something then you are liable to bear the consequences of that action. Some time that may be instant and some time it may take a long time as many months, years or even next lives too. We have seen many time people have some problems in this very life and they don’t understand the reason of it. It may be any kind of fear, dreams, problems, worries, nightmares or some time extra ordinary quality also.

We try to look into there past lives to find out more in details for the route cause of the problems or there reasons. In our research we have found that soul belongs to different places and travel in groups in many lives. So we see migration of people from one to another places in this world. Soul keeps searching for its place from where it belongs too. If it finds its original place then it is peaceful. Please remember Past life regression is not a relaxation program and may gives problems also during and after the sessions to some people. First we have to understand the reason for past life regression and then only we may decide about this session. Please note this session does not work for 100 % people. We do our efforts and give second chance if it do not work anyhow in first time. If it do not work it may still take about an hour plus time. If it works the session may go up to 2 hours. This program costs INR 5,000 only.

Psychological Sessions for Mental/Emotional etc Disorders/ trauma & Couple counselling

BHS provides psychological healing sessions for various mental /emotional issues and traumas such as depressions, anxiety,eating,disruptive behaviours, unsocial disorders, life shocks,relationship issues. We also provides couple counselling sessions and communication workshops for better communications among people in family, friends and elsewhere.One can take advantages of these sessions by online methods as per their own convenience from any part of the world too. These sessions are personalised sessions and provide various solutions to take best care of self in such conditions. This session may costs INR 1500 to 2,000 depends on methodology and techniques etc which can be determined only after consultations.

Healings Sessions by Words & Touch

It is a healing given by some mix methods of using various kind of touch therapy like reflexology, massage or tantra reiki or just simple energy filled touch. More time is being given to understand the problem of person. After that the solutions be given in psychological manner. This healing is very effective in mental, emotional, sexual, personal, psychological and spiritual type of problems.

We try to unblock the various blockages from the person by using various methods which may be different from person to person. Consultations for various aspects of life & psychological needs is given as per the person’s state of body , mind and spirit. There is no fix time for such sessions However it may take 90 minutes or more. It is being given on appointment basis.

This session may costs INR 1500 to 2,000 depends on methodology and technics etc which can be determined only after consultations.

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